Trinità pond

Trinità pond (Photo M.Pettavino)
Trinità pond (Photo M.Pettavino)

This is like an “oasis in the desert”: the pond, nearby Trinità on the way to Magliano Alpi, is one of the rare wetlands in the area. It is surrounded by the corn sterile monocultures and attracts a lot of species finding here suitable conditions for breeding. This site, in addition to the pond, is crossed by some irrigation canals which are subject to an irregular water regime because of agricultural needs, but luckily they have a sufficient aquatic and riparian vegetation allowing dragonflies to live and breed. Until now the species recorded are 36: among them Calopteryx haemorrhoidalis,Coenagrion caerulescens, Coenagrion scitulum, Sympetrum depressiusculum, Sympetrum meridionale and Aeshna affinis.