Sant'Anna pond

Sant'Anna pond (Photo M.Pettavino)
Sant'Anna pond (Photo M.Pettavino)

This is an artificial pond, created by re-naturalization of a dismissed quarry. It is included in the ZPS (Special Protection Zone) IT1160059 and from the beginning of 2000’s it has been enhanced with the realization of some cabins for birds observation. Today as a matter of fact it lays abandoned, in total negligence, and has no protection against people causing damages, illegal grazing and non-authorized fishing. For the Odonata this site has a great importance because a small population of Coenagrion mercuriale castellani, species in the Habitats Directive 92/43/CE II attachment, is breeding here, beyond a flourishing population of Sympetrum depressiusculum, species strongly declining in Piedmont and with very localized breeding sites. So far 23 species have been recorded here: among them also Cercion lindenii, Sympetrum pedemontanum and Sympetrum meridionale.