White-tailed Skimmer

Orthetrum albistylum (Selys, 1848)


On average it is 45-50 mm in length and is similar to O. cancellatum but with a more slender abdomen. The thorax is dark with two white side bands. In females there are very evident white upper appendages. In males segments from 2nd to 6th feature pale blue pruinosity, and the following are black. The pterostigma is black.


It can be observed from May to October.


It prefers still water bodies, oxbow lakes, quarries, environmental restorations, even with eutrophic waters. It can be found also in springs or canals. Often it cohabits with O. cancellatum.


The European range is fragmented: this species occurs mainly in central-southern Europe, becoming rarer westwards (it is absent in the Iberian Peninsula). Eastwards it can be found until Japan. In the Cuneo region this is a widespread species in the plain wetlands with suitable conditions. It does not spread in the alpine valleys, being confined to the valley bottoms at maximum 600 meters above sea level.