Ruddy Darter

Sympetrum sanguineum (Müller, 1764)


This species can be identified by the usually completely black legs and the pterostigma brown-reddish, paler in females. It can be mistaken primarily with S. depressiusculum, but it has a less dense wing venation and features a black line between the frons and the eye (this is more extended on the frons in S. depressiusculum).


Adults can be observed from June to October with a peak in August.


The larvae can be found in many, both permanent and temporary, water habitats, especially in those richest in water vegetation and, more rarely, in slow flowing waters, from the plain to more than 1000 meters above sea level.


This species is widespread in most of Europe and eastwards reaches Siberia. Northwards it reaches southern Scandinavia and a portion of the British Isles. In the Cuneo region it is widespread in suitable areas in the plain and hills. No breeding populations were found beyond 800 meters above sea level.