Green-eyed Hawker

Aeshna isosceles (Müller, 1767)


It has a 85-95 mm wingspan and its body has basically an orange-brown coloration. The wings are clear but hindwings feature a yellow patch at the base. It has also two light bands on the thorax sides but never features blue spots (as other Aeshnidae do). Males have a typical yellow triangle on the back of the 2nd abdominal segment, found also in females with a slightly different shape. If compared to the similar (but absent in the Cuneo region) A. grandis, it has paler wings (in A. grandis they are brown). In field, the green eyes stand out, contrasting with the rest of the body.


In flight from mid-May to the beginning of August.


It needs still or slowly streaming waters with reeds, especially ditches, marshes, ponds and small lakes. It is a thermophilic species.


From northern Africa to southern, central and eastern Europe. Northern limit is in southern Sweden. Its range is very fragmented. Not widespread and very localized in the Cuneo region, found almost only in the Roeri area and in the wetlands of the Tanaro river lower part.